Brief Thoughts from Bren: Pride & Humility

A new seasonal internship term begins, and that means studying The Rule of Benedict together. We read Joan Chittister’s commentary as we make our way through Benedict’s words. We take our time over several weeks as we read and discuss a few paragraphs at a time. Benedict lived more than 1500 years ago. Some of his words and images need interpretation, but the spirit of what he wrote remains a powerful influence today. Pick up the chapter and a good commentary, and read them along with us. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 7 is titled “Humility.” What do the Church Fathers and Mothers say is the greatest stumbling block to holiness, the greatest sin, if you will? Pride. What do they say is the greatest virtue? Humility. Why does the intern curriculum include a reading about humility? For certain, the health of a community is in danger without it. Whether a community of two or twenty, or one hundred, pride – the opposite of humility – destroys.

Pride is to I think I am God. Just imagine the dynamics of a group of people when they all believe themselves to be God. Humility, however, opens a very different path. The ego can be tamed. If I open myself to the influence of God rather than believing I am God, I listen better to others. I am open to their ideas. Their ideas are not a threat to me. They are not a threat to me. When I practice love and remember that love is willing the good of the other for the sake of the other, living with others becomes something possible, something life-giving.

Perhaps the only prayer that Christians need is to ask for Christ. “I want you, Christ.” Often, we petition with a whole list of wants and needs – for a better job, more money, good health, tremendous success, influence, a new car, a new house, that people behave the way I think they ought to behave. If I instead ask for Christ, I will better know what to do with what comes my way; I will better know what to do when things do not come my way.

To ask for Christ is a humble prayer. If I ask for God, maybe I won’t think I am God.

Study Session with Interns

2 Responses

  1. Thank the Lord for Bren and her willingness to share all the talent and skills she has with other people.
    God has provided Bren for Koinonia to thrive through her.

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