Welcome to Koinonia

We are a community sharing a life of prayer, work, study, service, and fellowship, doing our best
to live a life rooted in the Sermon on the Mount, serving others and offering a warm welcome to all.

We are a community of people sharing a life of prayer, work, study, service, and fellowship.
Doing what we can to live by the Sermon on the Mount and to give welcome.

Earlier Days
Koinonians at a long formal table eating in the Elliot Pecan Orchard

Since our founding in 1942, hospitality has been central to everything we do. Your race? You’re family. Your faith? Doesn’t matter. No faith? We don’t proselytize. Your background? No judgment here. We welcome everyone to visit. Koinonia has inspired many ideas—our Partnership Housing Movement (a big idea) gave birth to Habitat for Humanity (an even bigger idea). But mostly, we live a quiet, humble life—loving our neighbor, serving wherever we can, and caring for this small plot of Earth that we’re called to steward. Thank you for exploring our website. We hope it moves you to visit. And even if you can’t visit, we’d still love to be in touch!

Jimmy Carter was the same person under the glaring light of politics as he was under the streetlight’s soft glow in Plains. A good and decent man, he lived with integrity no matter the circumstance.

In the 1950s, when others heeded the call to boycott Koinonia—refusing to sell to or buy from us—he did not. Our neighbor sold us fertilizer to keep our farm going, even when it meant his business became the next target of boycott. He did not back down.

When his presidency ended sooner than he hoped, his values held firm. Our paths crossed again. Koinonia Partnership Housing built 192 homes in Sumter County, planting the seeds of what would grow into Habitat for Humanity. President Carter and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter did more than lend their names and voices to the fledgling organization; they rolled up their sleeves and worked on countless Habitat builds themselves.

The stories of Koinonia’s friendship with Jimmy Carter are many. At the heart of them all is a shared commitment to peacemaking, service, faith, equality, and common decency. Koinonia was founded as a demonstration plot for Christian living, but often, we only had to look seven miles down the road to see someone demonstrating it for us.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Jimmy.

Former president Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, giving a speech to a group of people at Koinonia's Picnic Hill
President and Rosalynn Carter on Picnic Hill, Koinonia Farm